
South African Society of Artists Membership Application

Benefits of becoming a SASA member:

Monthly newsletter sent via email

Three in-house competitions per year namely:

  • Drawing competition
  • Landscape, Life and Still Life competition
  • End of year (Eleanor Palmer) competition

Being eligible to enter two Members Exhibitions a year at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and the annual Art in the Park festival at Rondebosch Park

Three workshops a year at competitive rates

Access to our well stocked library of art books, DVD’s and magazines

Being eligible to enter Selection Weekend in order to qualify for two further exhibitions at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens:

  • Annual Exhibition and
  • Merit Exhibition

Monthly meetings which include demonstrations and talks by well-known artists

Organised monthly Plein Air outings

Five weeks life drawing a year at competitive rates

Discounts on art supplies at selected Art Shops

To become a member and enjoy all of the above-mentioned benefits, please complete and submit the online application form.

The Following Fees Apply

Joining & Registration Fee : R100.00 – once off.

SASA Membership main member R450

1st additional family member R340

Subsequent additional family members each R300

Country / Student Membership main member R350

1st additional family member R260

Subsequent additional family members each R235

Please work out and pay your total fee before completing the form, to make it easier for yourself.

Banking Details

NAME: South African Society of Artists.

BANK: Nedbank Constantia.

CODE: 198765.

Account No: 1088 00 6981

Please use your NAME as the beneficiary reference.

Please take note of the following:

You can now EITHER complete and submit the online application form below, OR you can download the application form, print it out, complete, scan and email the scanned document to the secretary.

Application Form

This information remains confidential to the Society and is not released to any third party whatsoever.